Friends Against Family Violence
Advocacy, Crisis Support, Shelter, and Prevention
24-Hour Crisis Hotline:
Friends Against Family Violence services are 100% free and 100% confidential for victims of Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence. We serve men, women, and all gender identities, along with dependents. Typically, we cannot serve minors alone. In cases of teen sexual assault there may be times our advocates can work with minors. If we are unable to provide you services, we will do our best to connect you to other resources in the community.
We serve individuals no matter their race, color, religion, creed, national origin, ability level, sexual orientation, gender identity, or immigration status.
Shelter and Crisis Line
Our 24/7 crisis line and emergency shelter provides safety for individuals who need immediate support. We provide safety and action planning to all of our shelter clients. We also offer 24/7 hospital response to survivors needing a Sexual Assault Nurse Examination (SANE).
Community Based Advocacy
Our community-based advocates can meet with individuals who do not necessarily need shelter. They will provide the same type of safety and action planning as we provide in the shelter. We have advocates trained specifically in offering both SA and DV services.
Rapid Rehousing
Our rapid rehousing model assists individuals leaving a DV situation to get into a new home. We use a step-down model where we pay a majority of rent in the early months and ease clients into taking on the full rent themselves.
We connect individuals to the resources that will help them reach their goals. We have relationships with many organizations in our community for things like therapy, job placement, legal support, and more.